Sacred Grove Naturopathic @ THe Natural Health Centre
43 Dunn St., Barry’s Bay, ON K0J 1B0
Clinic Hours
In-person and telehealth appointments:
Wednesdays, 11-5 PM
Fridays 10 AM-1 PM & 3-6 PM
Sacred Grove Naturopathic Hours:
Phone: (416) 999-4430
If you want to
be in touch
43 Dunn St., Barry’s Bay, ON K0J 1B0
In-person and telehealth appointments:
Wednesdays, 11-5 PM
Fridays 10 AM-1 PM & 3-6 PM
Sacred Grove Naturopathic Hours:
Phone: (416) 999-4430
Sacred Grove Naturopathic
The Natural Health Centre
43 Dunn St., Barry’s Bay, ON K0J 1B0
Phone: (416) 999-4430