Deep Rest: Seasonal Acupuncture and Movement
2:30 PM14:30

Deep Rest: Seasonal Acupuncture and Movement

Sunday, January 26th @ 2:30-4:30 PM, EST

Join Dr. Rachel Worth-Cappell, ND and Carly Travers for Deep Rest, a seasonal acupuncture workshop at the Combermere Community Center. Deep Rest is an invitation to restore during the dark days.

In Chinese Medicine, the organ associated with winter is the kidneys, which store and provide us with the essence and energy to not only live in accordance with our highest calling. To restore the function of our kidneys in the winter months, we, like all other animals must slow down, find warmth and rest.

The first half of the workshop will be led by Carly Travers in a gentle movement series, working with the body as a doorway to awareness. Once we’ve softened our physical bodies, Dr. Rachel Worth-Cappell, ND will place acupuncture needles chosen to support and orient us to the winter season.

Where? Combermere Community Center, Combermere, ON

When? January 26th @ 2:30-4:30 PM, EST

How much? $65*

*Community care: There are 3 seats available at Pay What You Can. The sliding scale is offered in good faith and on an individual basis. Payment plans are available for everyone who asks.

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Deep Rest: Gentle Movement and Acupuncture
2:30 PM14:30

Deep Rest: Gentle Movement and Acupuncture

A two-part series Sundays January 14th and 21st, 2:30-4:30 PM, EST

Join Dr. Rachel Worth-Cappell, ND and Carly Travers for Deep Rest, a two-part restorative movement and acupuncture series in Combermere, ON. Deep Rest is an invitation to restore yourself during the dark nights of the year.

We’ll begin with gentle movement to use the body as a doorway to deepen awareness, followed by seasonally-oriented acupuncture and a guided meditation to orient to the winter season.

Winter is the time of kidneys in Chinese Medicine, a time that asks for us to be in stillness, contemplation and rest so that we can spring forth with the energy of spring. Deep Rest is an invitation to…rest, both because rest is our right, but also so we can continue to create a kinder, gentler world built from a foundation of abundance.

Where? Combermere Community Center, Combermere, ON

When? January 14th and 21st, 1-3 PM EST

How much? $100 for the series (2 sittings), or $65 for one sitting

*Community care: There are 3 seats available at Pay What You Can. The sliding scale is offered in good faith and on an individual basis. Payment plans are available for everyone who asks.

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Immune Support
2:00 PM14:00

Immune Support

A workshop to support your immune system during the second coming of cold and flu season!

Dr. Rachel will share some of her favourite immune supporting foods and, using food as medicine, you'll create the age-old Fire Cider to support sluggish digestion and boost your immunity.

At the end of this workshop, you’ll walk away with your own small batch of Fire Cider. 

Location: The Bluebird Collective, Barry's Bay, ON

Cost: PWYC-$55. There is 1 seat available at PWYC, 1 seats at $22, 2 seats at $33, 2 seats at $44 and unlimited seats available at $55. The sliding scale is offered in good faith and on an individual basis. If you’re not sure what is accessible to you, please reach out and we can have a conversation regarding this. Payment plans are available for everyone who asks.

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Medicine For Wood Season
2:00 PM14:00

Medicine For Wood Season

A workshop to support your transition from winter to spring through Chinese Medicine.

In Chinese Medicine, spring is the season of wood, associated with the liver. Spring is usually the time for a “spring detox,” which has some roots in Chinese Medicine’s call to support the liver during this season of growth.

Dr. Rachel will map this concept onto foraging, discussing respectful harvesting practices and which spring bitters that grow abundantly in the Madawaska Valley. You’ll end the workshop tasting spring bitters and concocting your own, non-alcoholic bitter tincture.

Location: The Bluebird Collective, Barry's Bay, ON

Cost: PWYC-$55. There is 1 seat available at PWYC, 1 seats at $22, 2 seats at $33, 2 seats at $44 and unlimited seats available at $55. The sliding scale is offered in good faith and on an individual basis. If you’re not sure what is accessible to you, please reach out and we can have a conversation regarding this. Payment plans are available for everyone who asks.

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Deep Rest
2:00 PM14:00

Deep Rest

Come sink into the deep rest offered in a time of stillness. Join Dr. Rachel Worth-Cappell, ND and Meg Williams for restorative yoga, restful meditation and acupuncture to foster deep rest.

Meg will guide you through slow and gentle yoga postures to open up and prepare your body to settle onto your mat. Rachel will weave in principles of Chinese Medicine before administering seasonally-informed acupuncture points.

Location: Combermere Community Center, Combermere, ON

Please bring: mat, blanket and pillow

Cost: PWYC-$66*

*There is 1 seat available at PWYC, 1 seats at $22, 2 seats at $33, 2 seats at $44, 2 seats at $55 and unlimited seats available at $66. The sliding scale is offered in good faith and on an individual basis. If you’re not sure what is accessible to you, please reach out and we can have a conversation regarding this. Payment plans are available for everyone who asks.

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BoneTend: Winter Online
to Feb 6

BoneTend: Winter Online

BoneTend is a series designed to help attune to safeness in your body, bolster the resiliency of your nervous system, and build reciprocal relationships to the more-than-human beings around us. BoneTend is woven through with herbal magic, polyvagal theory, ritual and trance/journeywork and will carry us through the month of January to Imbolc, as we rest in darkness.

The bones of our time are gently assembled like this:

Week 1: Homing: Coming Home to Your Body
Week 2: Placemaking: Building Reciprocity With the Land
Week 3: Meeting: Getting to Know Your Inner Landscape
Week 4: Re-membering: Ancestral Medicine and Ritual to Carry You

When: Every Monday, January 16th-February 6th, 2023, 7-8:30 PM, EST

Where: Zoomland*

Cost: Pay What You Can - $222**

Community care: 5% of my earnings will go towards charities of my choosing, which include those dedicated towards ending gender-based violence, fighting for Indigenous sovereignty and supporting mental health services.

Knowledge lineage: All of this work is deeply influenced by my dear teachers Aditi Holden, Carmen Spagnola, Stephen Porges, Jacqui Wilkins, Lorie Eve Dechar and Kristin Schnurr.

*Circles will be recorded and available to those who are not able to attend live.

**There is 1 seat available at PWYC, 1 seat available at $111, 2 seats at $166 and unlimited seats available at $222. The sliding scale is offered as a tool for economic justice in good faith. If you’re unsure about what price point is accessible for you, please reach out for a further conversation.

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Deep Rest
1:00 PM13:00

Deep Rest

Come sink into the deep rest offered in a time of darkness and stillness. Join Dr. Rachel Worth-Cappell, ND and Meg Williams for a yoga flow, restful meditation and acupuncture to allow us to sink into deep rest following a busy holiday season.

Meg will guide you through a slow and gentle yoga flow to prepare your body before you settle onto your mat for a restful meditation supported by calming acupuncture from Rachel. 

Location: Combermere Community Center, Combermere, ON

Please bring: mat, with optional blanket and pillow

Cost: PWYC-$66.

There is 1 seat available at PWYC, 1 seats at $22, 2 seats at $33, 2 seats at $44, 2 seats at $55 and unlimited seats available at $66. The sliding scale is offered in good faith and on an individual basis. If you’re not sure what is accessible to you, please reach out and we can have a conversation regarding this. Payment plans are available for everyone who asks.

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BoneTend: Fall
to Dec 7

BoneTend: Fall

BoneTend is a 5-week series designed to help attune to safeness in your body, bolster the resiliency of your nervous system, and build reciprocal relationships to the more-than-human beings around us. BoneTend will be woven through with herbal magic, polyvagal theory, ritual and trance/journeywork and will carry us through the month of November into the Yule season as we tip into the darker half of the year.

The bones of our time are gently assembled like this:

Week 1: Homing: Coming Home to Your Body
Week 2: Placemaking: Building Reciprocity With the Land
Week 3: Meeting: Getting to Know Your Inner Landscape
Week 4: Allowing: Sensing Pleasure In Your Body
Week 5: Re-membering: Ancestral Medicine and Ritual to Carry You

Days: Every Wednesday, November 9th-December 7th (November 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and 7th)

Time: 7-8:30 PM, EST

Location: Zoomland ethers*

Cost: $222** with an $88 deposit to save your seat.

Community Care: $22 of your seat will go towards one scholarship to the circle. 5% of what I make from the circle will go towards End Violence Against Women (EVA) in Renfrew County.

*Circles will be recorded and available to those who are not able to attend live.

**Payment plans are available, please let us know if you need.

To secure your spot in BoneTend, please etransfer $111 deposit to and fill in the registration form below.

Thank you! Chi Miigwetch! Merci! Gracias! Danke!

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Golden Threads
6:00 PM18:00

Golden Threads

Golden Threads is an in-person evening dedicated to tending the soil of our bodies, minds, and relationships to the more-than-human beings around us. This is a shorter version of the 4-week ritual series, BoneTend, birthed from the belief that we when we can find the golden threads to our own wisdom, we are able to resource ourselves. Golden Threads weaves together time on the Land, movement practices, breath work, polyvagal theory and ritual building, and will be held together in community, as we were meant to be.

The bones of our evening are gently assembled like this:

  • Homing: Embodiment Practices to Come Home To

  • Placemaking: Reciprocity and the Lands Who Hold Us

  • Re-membering: Every Day Magic to Carry Us

If you feel a loud and clear “yes!” from the golden threads of your heart, please join me at the Madawaska Kanu Centre just outside of Barry’s Bay. To hold your seat, e-transfer your circle fee to

Date: Saturday, April 23rd

Time: 6:00-9:30 PM, EST

Location: Madawaska Kanu Center, 247 River Rd., Barry’s Bay, ON K0J 1B0

Cost: $45-60 sliding scale*

Community Care: 5% of the cost will go to Braiding River’s Ripple Effect Bursary to increase access for women to outdoors spaces.

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Embodiment With Braiding Rivers
7:30 PM19:30

Embodiment With Braiding Rivers

Join me on @braidingrivers for a 20-minute Instagram Live for an embodiment practice to soothe the weary nervous system.

This event will be a taste of what we’re offering through the upcoming Embodiment With the River course this Summer 2022 at Braiding Rivers. If you don’t know about Braiding Rivers, head on over to the website to learn more about our wonderful ecocentric whitewater guiding company based in the Madawaska Valley!

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to Apr 4


BoneTend is a 4-week ritual series dedicated to tending to our bodies, minds, and our relationships to the more-than-human beings around us. Even when the world is overwhelming, somewhere in us we have the capacity to solve some of our own problems when we nourish ourselves.

Our time together will be held as a group, in community as we were meant to be, and co-facilitated by myself and Rachel Bennett, Psychotherapy Student. We'll weave together time on the Land, Polyvagal Theory, somatic experiencing and ritual work.

The bones of our time together are gently assembled like this:

Week 1: Homing: Embodiment Practices to Come Home To

Week 2: Placemaking: Acknowledging the Land Who Holds Us

Week 3: Meeting: Befriending the Inner Landscapes We Are Made Of

Week 4: Re-membering Every Day Magic to Carry Us

Days: Every Monday beginning March 14, 2022 (March 14, March 21, March 28, April 4)

Time: 7:00-8:30 PM, EST

Location: Zoomland*

Cost: $60-120** sliding scale for all 4 weeks

Community Care: 5% of the cost will go to the Kanien’kehá:ka Land Back Language Camp in Dundee, ON

*Circles will be recorded and made available to those who are not able to attend live.

**Payment plans are available, please let us know if you need.

To secure your spot in BoneTend, please etransfer your circle fee to and fill in the registration form below.

Thank you! Chi Miigwetch! Merci! Gracias!

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to Feb 22


BoneTend is a 4-week ritual series dedicated to tending to our bodies, minds, and our relationships to the more-than-human beings around us. Even when the world is overwhelming, somewhere in us we have the capacity to solve some of our own problems when we nourish ourselves.

Our time together will be held as a group, in community as we were meant to be, and co-facilitated by myself and Rachel Bennett, Psychotherapy Student. We'll weave together time on the Land, Polyvagal Theory, somatic experiencing and ritual work.

The bones of our time together are gently assembled like this:

Week 1: Coming Home to Our Bodies

Week 2: Building Reciprocity With the Land

Week 3: Tending to Our Inner Child

Week 4: Re-membering Every Day Magic

Days: Every Tuesday in February 2022 (February 1st, February 8th, February 15th, February 22nd)

Time: 7:00-8:30 PM, EST

Location: Zoomland*

Cost: $60-120** sliding scale for all 4 weeks

Community Care: 5% of the cost will go to the Kanien’kehá:ka Land Back Language Camp in Dundee, ON

Email me for more details or register below.

*Circles will be recorded and made available to those who are not able to attend live.

**Payment plans are available, please let us know if you need.

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The Dream Circle
to Jan 19

The Dream Circle

During the darker months, we, like trees, go back down into our roots to rest, collect and listen. As the land becomes quieter, our intuitive knowing becomes louder — this is the season of dreaming. ⁣During this dream season, join me for a four-part series to honour our individual and collective wisdom, remember our inner knowing and breathe life into our connection to spirit through dreams.

Circles will be interwoven with movement, breathwork, mindfulness practices, art, storytelling and history/herstory before we dive into our collective dreamwork. This way of dreamworking is informed by Dr. Christopher Sowton, ND’s work and centers the dreamer’s relationship to characters and symbols who reveal themselves in our dreams. This work requests us to remember with our intuitive ways of knowing, use open-ended questioning and actively participate in the circle to help the dreamer uncover messages given to them in dreams. This is more an unearthing than an analysis and more a remembering than a learning.

Our circle will also be supported by Xalish Medicines’ Cosmic Weaver flower essence. This flower essence help us to “navigate transitional times. To integrate all of the messages, downloads, ancestral love we are receiving while also healing traumas & old wounding.” ~Jacqui Wilkins, medicine maker/creator of Xalish Medicines.

If you feel called to unearth and remember, and you are ready to dive into the rich world of your dreams, join me this winter for The Dream Circle.

Dates: Circles will be held every other week from 6-9:30 PM, EST

-January 9th, January 23rd, February 6th, February 20th, March 6th

Location: This circle will be held over Zoom

Cost: $200⁣** (Payment plans are available) which includes:

~Four 3.5 hour circles

~A one-on-one session for post-circle support

~Herbal medicine flower essence from Xalish Medicines

**A sliding scale fee is available to folx who identify as BIPOC or LGBTQIA2S+ to acknowledge current and historical systems of oppression, as well the reality of generational wealth built on the stolen labour of brown and black bodies. 10% of the funds will go to support the Kanien’kehá:ka Land Back Language Camp in Dundee, ON

To register: Register by December 28th to allow for shipping of your medicine bundle from Xalish. A deposit of $88 is requested to hold your place in the circle. To register, e-transfer your deposit to with the message “Dream Circle.”

A note on my lineage: I acknowledge and offer deep bows to those who have held, and continue to hold, their indigenous ways of knowing despite colonial attempts of erasure. I offer this circle on unceded Algonquin territory with humility from my lineage as a North American settler from the European diaspora; it is my hope that it will be one of many catalysts for the gentle reclamation of our personal power in whatever lineage we come from.

Disclaimer: This workshop is not intended to be a replacement for advice from your healthcare providers, nor is it considered naturopathic treatment or counselling.

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The Dream Circle
to Feb 9

The Dream Circle

Have you noticed yourself dreaming more these days?⁣

During the darker months, we, like trees, go back down into our roots to rest and collect and listen. As the land around us becomes quiet, our intuitive knowing speaks louder.

This is the season of dreaming. ⁣

On every continent, many traditions believed/believe dreams to be sacred messages from the divine, the land, ancestors, other planes of existence, or just unvarnished truths from our psyche.

Whomever the message comes from, it is not to be ignored. ⁣

In this dream season, join myself and Dr. Katia De Marco, ND for a five-part series to honour our individual and collective wisdom, inner knowing and connection to spirit through dreams.

The workshop will be interwoven with an introduction to the history and practice of dreamwork, somatic movement, breathing practices and intuition work, all to prepare ourselves for collective dream interpretation.⁣

This is very intimate work, so space is limited to 8. We dive deep starting Wednesday, December 15th.

Cost: $150⁣
A percentage of the cost will go to support programming for the Support Network for Indigenous Women and Women of Color (SNIWWOC).

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Empowered Libido
6:00 PM18:00

Empowered Libido

  • Solera Performing Arts Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sacred Grove X Intamo Pleasure Boutique

Join Dr. Rachel Worth-Cappell of Sacred Grove Naturopathic and Airial Clatney, Sex Educator and Co-Owner of Intamo Pleasure Boutique, as they talk about all things libido. This workshop will be a mixture of movement, breath, dialogue and activity.

Some questions we may cover are:

  • Why don’t I want to have sex?

  • What is a “normal” libido?

  • How do medications impact my sex drive?

  • Does trauma impact my sex drive?

  • Is there anything natural I can do to support my libido?

  • Does Horny Goat’s Weed really work?

  • PLUS, some troubleshooting tips and tricks

This workshop is gender-inclusive and is meant to empower you to love your body even more, have safe and honest conversations about sex and promote increased pleasure. Come with questions (pun intended).

Admission is free <3

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The Dream Circle
to Jun 1

The Dream Circle

Join Drs. Rachel Worth-Cappell, ND and Katia Demarco, ND in a 6-week online dreamworking series to crack open the meaning of your dreams. Together, we will dive deep in a collaborative process to uncover what our dreams are trying to tell us. Each individual will get a chance to discuss one of their own dreams, as well as be a part of the interpretation process helping others work through their dream.

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