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The Dream Circle

During the darker months, we, like trees, go back down into our roots to rest, collect and listen. As the land becomes quieter, our intuitive knowing becomes louder — this is the season of dreaming. ⁣During this dream season, join me for a four-part series to honour our individual and collective wisdom, remember our inner knowing and breathe life into our connection to spirit through dreams.

Circles will be interwoven with movement, breathwork, mindfulness practices, art, storytelling and history/herstory before we dive into our collective dreamwork. This way of dreamworking is informed by Dr. Christopher Sowton, ND’s work and centers the dreamer’s relationship to characters and symbols who reveal themselves in our dreams. This work requests us to remember with our intuitive ways of knowing, use open-ended questioning and actively participate in the circle to help the dreamer uncover messages given to them in dreams. This is more an unearthing than an analysis and more a remembering than a learning.

Our circle will also be supported by Xalish Medicines’ Cosmic Weaver flower essence. This flower essence help us to “navigate transitional times. To integrate all of the messages, downloads, ancestral love we are receiving while also healing traumas & old wounding.” ~Jacqui Wilkins, medicine maker/creator of Xalish Medicines.

If you feel called to unearth and remember, and you are ready to dive into the rich world of your dreams, join me this winter for The Dream Circle.

Dates: Circles will be held every other week from 6-9:30 PM, EST

-January 9th, January 23rd, February 6th, February 20th, March 6th

Location: This circle will be held over Zoom

Cost: $200⁣** (Payment plans are available) which includes:

~Four 3.5 hour circles

~A one-on-one session for post-circle support

~Herbal medicine flower essence from Xalish Medicines

**A sliding scale fee is available to folx who identify as BIPOC or LGBTQIA2S+ to acknowledge current and historical systems of oppression, as well the reality of generational wealth built on the stolen labour of brown and black bodies. 10% of the funds will go to support the Kanien’kehá:ka Land Back Language Camp in Dundee, ON

To register: Register by December 28th to allow for shipping of your medicine bundle from Xalish. A deposit of $88 is requested to hold your place in the circle. To register, e-transfer your deposit to with the message “Dream Circle.”

A note on my lineage: I acknowledge and offer deep bows to those who have held, and continue to hold, their indigenous ways of knowing despite colonial attempts of erasure. I offer this circle on unceded Algonquin territory with humility from my lineage as a North American settler from the European diaspora; it is my hope that it will be one of many catalysts for the gentle reclamation of our personal power in whatever lineage we come from.

Disclaimer: This workshop is not intended to be a replacement for advice from your healthcare providers, nor is it considered naturopathic treatment or counselling.

Earlier Event: September 18
Palmer River Fest Medicinal Plant Walk
Later Event: February 1